Latest News - Buddha Sculpture

Buddha Statue - Antique Khmer Style Wood Standing Protection Monday Buddha Statue - 55cm/22"

The Noble Journey: A Comprehensive Exploration of Buddha's Eightfold Path

As we traverse the Eightfold Path, we embark on a transformative journey guided by the wisdom of the Buddha.

Each fold of the path, from Right View to Right Concentration, serves as a stepping stone toward the cessation of suffering and the realization of ultimate liberation.

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Large Antique Thai Style Chiang Rung Bronze Protection Walking Buddha Statue - 150cm/60"

A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Large Buddha Statue: Factors to Consider

Selecting the perfect large Buddha statue requires careful consideration of factors such as material, style, symbolism, size, and personal intention.

Whether you're seeking a focal point for your meditation space, a symbol of tranquility for your home, or a meaningful gift for a loved one, a Buddha statue serves as a potent reminder of inner peace, wisdom, and spiritual awakening.

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Antique Chinese Style Seated Dharmachakra Teaching Buddha Statue - 30cm/12"

The Illuminated Path: Buddha's Teachings and the Establishment of the Sangha

The teachings of the Buddha, encapsulated in the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, provide a transformative roadmap for navigating the challenges of human existence.

The establishment of the Sangha adds a communal dimension to the spiritual journey, offering practitioners a supportive and harmonious environment for growth and realization.

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Buddha Statue - Antique Chinese Style Seated Bronze Many Buddha Adoration Buddha - 89cm/36"

Namaskara Mudra: The Profound Gesture of Adoration in Buddhism

The Namaskara Mudra stands as a timeless embodiment of reverence, unity, and spiritual connection.

As practitioners and seekers adopt this gesture, they partake in a tradition that spans centuries—a tradition rooted in the acknowledgment of the sacred within and around us.

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Buddha Statue - Antique Burmese Style Bronze Shan Enlightenment Seated Buddha Statue - 131cm/52"

The Serene Splendor of Shan Buddha: A Glimpse into Burma's Spiritual Marvel

In the heart of Burma, amidst the verdant landscapes and ancient temples, the Shan Buddha stands as a testament to the country's rich cultural heritage and spiritual legacy.

Its beauty transcends the physical realm, inviting visitors to embark on a journey of inner reflection and serenity.

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Buddha Statue - Antique Thai Style Bronze Sukhothai Reclining Nirvana Buddha Statue - 97cm/39"

The Great Departure: Reflecting on the Death and Parinirvana of the Buddha

In the quiet grove of Kushinagar, beneath the sala trees, the Buddha's journey on this earthly plane reached its culmination.

The death and parinirvana of the Buddha are not moments of sorrow but opportunities for profound reflection on the impermanence of life, the nature of suffering, and the promise of ultimate liberation.

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Buddha Sculpture - Antique Khmer Style Wood Seated Buddha Statue Dhyana Meditation Mudra - 27cm/11"

Khmer Buddha: Serenity in Stone Wood and Bronze, Wisdom in Worship

The Khmer Buddha, with its ethereal beauty and profound symbolism, stands as a bridge between the earthly realm and the spiritual dimensions of Cambodia's past.

In the stone and bronze statues of Angkor Wat and the faces of Bayon, we glimpse not only the artistic brilliance of a bygone empire but also the enduring legacy of Khmer devotion to the pursuit of wisdom, compassion, and serenity in the presence of the Buddha.

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Buddha Statue - Antique Indonesian Style Bronze Javanese Buddha Statue - 20cm/8"

Awakening Insight: A Guide to Finding the Third Eye in Meditation

Finding the third eye in meditation is a transformative journey that goes beyond the physical realm into the depths of consciousness.

Through focused attention and gentle exploration, individuals can tap into the symbolic center of inner wisdom, fostering a greater sense of insight, peace, and connection on their spiritual path.

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