Buddha Statue - Antique Indonesian Style Bronze Javanese Buddha Statue - 20cm/8"

Awakening Insight: A Guide to Finding the Third Eye in Meditation


Meditation, a timeless practice embraced by various spiritual traditions, offers a gateway to inner exploration and heightened states of consciousness. In the realm of Buddhism, finding the third eye in meditation becomes a symbolic and transformative journey toward increased insight and spiritual awakening.

This blog post serves as a guide for those seeking to delve into the subtle dimensions of their consciousness and discover the metaphorical third eye.

Understanding the Third Eye in Meditation

  1. Symbolic Representation: The third eye, often depicted as a point between the eyebrows, is not a physical organ but a symbol of inner perception and wisdom. In meditation, the goal is to shift attention inward, directing focus to this symbolic center for a deeper connection with one's spiritual self.

  2. Preparation for Meditation: Before beginning the meditation, find a quiet and comfortable space. Assume a relaxed posture, either sitting cross-legged on the floor or in a comfortable chair with a straight spine. Close your eyes gently, allowing your body to relax and your breath to become steady.

Indonesian Meditation Buddha

Guided Steps to Find the Third Eye in Meditation

  1. Centering Your Awareness: Start by bringing your attention to your breath. Observe the natural rhythm of inhalation and exhalation. Let your breath become a focal point, gently anchoring your awareness in the present moment.

  2. Shift Focus to the Third Eye: As your mind settles, begin to shift your focus to the area between your eyebrows. Imagine a point of light or visualize the symbol of the third eye – a small, radiant dot – in this location. This mental image serves as a tool to concentrate your attention.

  3. Soft Gaze or Visualization: Experiment with a soft gaze or visualize a point of light between your eyebrows. Allow your attention to rest on this point without straining. The goal is not to force an image but to gently guide your awareness to this symbolic center.

  4. Breath Awareness at the Third Eye: Coordinate your breath with your awareness of the third eye. As you inhale, envision the breath reaching this point of focus. With each exhale, sense a release of tension and a deepening connection to the inner stillness.

  5. Observing Thoughts: Recognize that thoughts may arise during meditation. Instead of suppressing them, acknowledge their presence and gently bring your attention back to the third eye. This practice fosters a sense of detachment and cultivates the ability to observe thoughts without becoming entangled in them.

  6. Inner Stillness and Insight: With consistent practice, you may experience moments of inner stillness and clarity. The third eye becomes a portal to deeper insight, fostering a profound connection with your inner self and the broader spiritual dimensions.


Finding the third eye in meditation is a transformative journey that goes beyond the physical realm into the depths of consciousness. Through focused attention and gentle exploration, individuals can tap into the symbolic center of inner wisdom, fostering a greater sense of insight, peace, and connection on their spiritual path.

As with any meditation practice, patience and consistency are key, allowing the seeker to gradually unveil the mysteries of their own consciousness.

Japanese Meditation Buddha