Latest News - Vishnu

Vishnu Sculpture - Antique Pre-Angkor Style Mounted Sandstone Vishnu Statue - 91cm/36"

The Quest for Eternal Freedom: Understanding the Ultimate Aim of Moksha in Hindu Spiritual Practice

The concept of Moksha stands as the crowning jewel of Hindu spirituality, offering seekers the promise of eternal freedom, peace, and enlightenment.

Through the pursuit of spiritual wisdom, devotion, selfless action, and meditation, individuals can gradually purify their consciousness, transcend the bonds of Samsara, and attain union with the divine.

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Large Ganesha Statue - Antique Thai Style Bronze Dancing Ganesh Statue - 85cm/34"

Navigating the Spiritual Landscape: Exploring the Main Beliefs in Hinduism

Hinduism encompasses a vast and multifaceted tapestry of beliefs, practices, and philosophical insights that reflect the richness and diversity of human spiritual experience.
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Kalkin Statue - Antique Khmer Style Standing Bronze Hayagriva Kalkin Horse of Vishnu - 82cm/33"

The Eternal Cycle: Exploring the Core Belief of Samsara in Hinduism

The concept of Samsara stands as a central and foundational belief in Hinduism, offering profound insights into the nature of existence, karma, and the human journey toward spiritual liberation.
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Ganesha Statue - Antique Khmer Style Seated Bronze Bayon Ganesh Statue - 24cm/10"

Understanding the Cosmic Law: Exploring the Fundamental Belief of Karma in Hinduism

Karma stands as a fundamental belief in Hinduism, embodying the cosmic law of cause and effect, action and consequence, that governs the moral and spiritual order of the universe.

By understanding the workings of karma and cultivating mindfulness, ethical conduct, and spiritual awareness, individuals can navigate the complexities of human existence, fulfill their moral and spiritual responsibilities, and progress on the path to spiritual realization and liberation.

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Elephant - Antique Khmer Style Standing Wood Elephant Statue - 53cm/21" Tall

Embracing the Eternal Law: Understanding the Central Concept of Dharma in Hinduism

Dharma stands as a central and foundational concept in Hinduism, embodying the eternal principles of righteous living, ethical conduct, and spiritual fulfillment.

As individuals navigate the complexities of human existence, Dharma serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path toward harmony, balance, and spiritual realization.

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Large Shiva Statue - Antique Indian Style Bronze Dancing Shiva statue as Lord Nataraja - 109cm(44") Tall

Exploring the Infinite: Understanding the Hindu Philosophy of Brahman

The philosophy of Brahman stands as one of the most profound and foundational teachings of Hinduism, offering insights into the nature of reality, the self, and the ultimate purpose of human existence.
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Masterpiece - Antique Baphuon Style Khmer Mounted Sandstone Vishnu Statue - 56cm/22"

Unveiling the Core Tenets: Exploring the Main Beliefs of Hinduism

The main beliefs of Hinduism—Brahman, Dharma, Karma, Samsara, and Moksha—form the bedrock of its spiritual tradition and philosophy.

These beliefs reflect the profound insights of ancient sages and seers into the nature of reality, existence, and the human condition.

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Harihara - Antique Phnom Da Style Bronze Khmer Hari Hara or Vishnu & Shiva - 57cm/23"

Hari-Hara: Exploring the Unity of Shiva and Vishnu in Hinduism

In the divine union of Shiva and Vishnu as Hari-Hara, we find a profound symbol of unity, harmony, and cosmic balance.

As we contemplate the synthesis of creation and destruction, preservation and dissolution embodied in Hari-Hara, we are reminded of the inherent interconnectedness of all existence.

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